Interface: IntentOptions

CloudControl Pro 9 Docs / app / IntentOptions

Interface: IntentOptions


Intent options, used to build an Intent to start an Activity or send a broadcast.

For more information about Intent, see Intentopen in new window.


Table of contents




Optional action: string

Set the general action to be performed, such as "android.intent.action.SEND". When the action starts with "android.intent.action", you can omit the prefix and use "SEND" instead. See Actionsopen in new window.


Optional category: string | string[]

The category of this Intent. See Categoriesopen in new window


Optional className: string

Target component class name, such as the class name of activity, service or broadcast.


Optional data: any

Set the data this intent is operating on, e.g. "", "file://sdcard/1.txt".

Note: scheme matching in the Android framework is case-sensitive, unlike the formal RFC. As a result, you should always write your Uri with a lower case scheme, or use Uri#normalizeScheme or setDataAndNormalize(Uri) to ensure that the scheme is converted to lower case.


Optional extras: any

The Extras(extra information) of this Intent. Provide extra information for this Intent, such as the title of the email when sending an email. See Extrasopen in new window.


Optional flags: (string | number)[]

The flags of the intent, an array of strings or numbers, e.g. ["activity_new_task", "grant_read_uri_permission"]. See Flagsopen in new window. Set special flags controlling how this intent is handled. Most values here depend on the type of component being executed by the Intent, specifically the FLAG_ACTIVITY_* flags are all for use with Context.startActivity() and the FLAG_RECEIVER_* flags are all for use with Context.sendBroadcast().


Optional packageName: string

The package name of the component to start. If null, all components are considered.


Optional type: string

Set an explicit MIME data type. This is used to create intents that only specify a type and not data, for example to indicate the type of data to return.

Note: MIME type matching in the Android framework is case-sensitive, unlike formal RFC MIME types. As a result, you should always write your MIME types with lower case letters, or use normalizeMimeType(String) or setTypeAndNormalize(String) to ensure that it is converted to lower case.