Project Config

October 22, 2022

Project Config

In CloudControl Pro, we sometimes need to run not only single files, but also projects. A project is a folder that contains configuration, code files, resource files (images, etc.).

You can create a new project in CloudControl Pro from the home page, and there are various project modules available (Pro 8.7 and above).


The project.json file is used to configure project related parameters, such as master file, startup image, package name and other information.

Parameter name Meaning Type Default value
androidResources Android resources, see androidResourcesopen in new window Object {
"resDir": "res",
"manifest ": "AndroidManifest.xml"
build Auto-generated build information, no need to modify, see buildopen in new window Object
assets Reserved field, no effect for now Array<String> []
encryptLevel encryptionLevel 0-no encryption, 1-local encryption, 2-online encryption (only supported in 8.7+) number 0
icon desktop icon string "icons/icon.png"
ignore Ignore files when syncing projects from VSCode Array ["build"]
launchConfig Launch configuration, see launchConfigopen in new window Object
main The entry file string "main.js"
name app name string ""
optimization Optimization configuration, see optimizationopen in new window Object
packageName Package name, must conform to Android package name specification, and the package name must be unique when uploading to the store string ""
permissionConfig Permission Config, see permissionConfigopen in new window Object {
"manifestPermissions": [],
"requestListOnStartup": []
publish The publish/upload store configuration, see publishopen in new window Object
scripts The configuration of scripts that are automatically triggered to run when building, etc., see scripts Object
versionCode version number number 1
versionName name of the version to show to the user string "1.0.0"

Example of full configuration.

  "androidResources": {
    "resDir": "res",
    "manifest": "AndroidManifest.xml"
  "assets": [],
  "build": {
    "build_id": "6F47F367-1",
    "build_number": 1,
    "build_time": 1615553004812,
    "release": true
  "encryptLevel": 0,
  "useFeatures": [],
  "icon": "res/icon.png",
  "ignore": ["build"],
  "launchConfig": {
    "displaySplash": true,
    "hideLogs": false,
    "splashIcon": "res/splashIcon.png",
    "splashLayoutXml": "splash.xml",
    "splashText": "Powered by CloudControl Pro",
    "stableMode": false
  "main": "main.js",
  "name": "Shape3.0",
  "optimization": {
    "removeOpenCv": true,
    "unusedResources": true
  "packageName": "com.suzy.rippledrawable",
  "permissionConfig": {
    "manifestPermissions": ["android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"],
    "requestListOnStartup": ["android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"]
  "publish": {
    "category": "Other",
    "details": "control stroke, gradient, ripple, text gradient",
    "maxAutoJsVersion": -1,
    "minAutoJsVersion": -1,
    "maxProVersion": 8059999,
    "minProVersion": 8050000,
    "minSdkVersion": 2,
    "permissions": [],
    "summary": "control stroke, gradient, water ripple, text gradient",
    "tags": []
  "scripts": {},
  "versionCode": 1,
  "versionName": "1.0.0"

Minimum configuration example.

    "name": "New Project",
    "main": "main.js",
    "ignore": [
    "packageName": "com.example",
    "versionName": "1.0.0",
    "versionCode": 1


Parameters used to configure Android native interface, see Example->Complex Interface->Android Native Interface.

parameter name meaning type default
resDir Android resource folder string "res"
manifest The path to the AndroidManifest.xml file string "AndroidManifest.xml"


The automatically generated build information, including build time, build number, etc., please do not modify.

The package software will determine whether to unpack the files of the installation package to the data path according to the information here. (The confidence here will be updated after each package, so the project files in the local data can be updated automatically after installation)

Parameter Name Meaning Type Default
build_id Auto-generated build id string ""
build_number Build number, incremented by 1 per build number 1
build_time last build time number current 13-bit timestamp
release Whether or not the project is a packaged project, this is an auto-generated field that does not need to be modified boolean false


The launch configuration of the packaged project.

parameter name meaning type default
displaySplash Whether or not to display the launch graph after packaging (even if set to false, the launch graph will still be displayed the first time after packaging) boolean true
hideLogs Hide the logs after packaging boolean false
splashIcon The splash interface icon after packaging string "icons/splashIcon.png"
splashLayoutXml SplashLayoutXml The startup image xml, used to customize the startup image after packaging, see Example->Projects and Packaging->Customizing the startup image (version 8.5 or above) string
splashText Packed startup interface text string "Powered by CloudControl Pro"
stableMode Whether to run in stable mode after packaging boolean false


Added in Pro 8.8.1

Custom permission configuration, including the permissions list of the built apk, and the permission list to request when starting up.

You can also use the CloudControl Pro permission settings UI to modify permission config.

parameter meaning type default
manifestPermissions The declared permission list. For compatibility with the old version, if the field is null, the default is 122 built-in permissions. Array<string> null
requestListOnStartup the permission list to request when starting up,permission must be included in manifestPermissions, otherwise it cannot be requested Array<string> ["android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"]

For all permission list, see Manifest.permissionopen in new window


The configuration for uploading the store publish project.

parameter name meaning type default
maxAutoJsVersion The maximum autojs version number supported number 0
maxProVersion maximum supported autojspro version number 0
minAutoJsVersion minimum autojs version supported number 0
minProVersion maximum supported autojspro version number 0
minSdkVersion Minimum supported Android versions number 0
category The category of the project to be used as a category when publishing to the store string "Other"
details Project details, used as project details when publishing to the store string ""
permissions A list of permissions, such as "root", which is not available at the moment Array<Stirng> []
summary Script feature summary string ""
tags Script tags, no effect for now since the store doesn't have tag filtering yet Array<String> []


Optimize the configuration. Currently used to reduce size when packaging.

parameter name meaning type default
removeOpenCv do not need the images module with opencv boolean false
unusedResources don't need built-in icons boolean false

ignore configuration

Added in Pro 8.7.6

The ignore configuration file is similar to .gitignore, which is used to configure CloudControl Pro to process the ignored files such as packaging and encryption.

The rules of ignore file are the same as .gitignore, for example:

# / Indicates the directory where the current file is located

# Ignore all directories and files under public
#Don’t ignore/public/assets, which means a special case, assets files are not ignored

# Ignore specific files


# Ignore all js files

# Ignore a.js b.js

# Matching rules are the same as linux file matching
# Start with a slash "/" to indicate a directory
# Use an asterisk "*" to wildcard multiple characters
# Use a question mark "?" to wildcard a single character
# Use square brackets "[]" to contain a single character match list
# Use an exclamation mark "!" to indicate not to ignore (track) the matched files or directories


File path: .autojs.source.ignore file in the project folder.

The files matched by the rules of the file configuration will not be regarded as CloudControl Pro JavaScript source files and will not participate in the encryption process.

For example, some js files are used for loading on the Web, and you do not want to encrypt them when packaging, you can configure this file to ignore.

File path: file under the project folder.

The file matched by the rules of the file configuration will not participate in the CloudControl Pro packaging apk process, and the final generated apk will not contain the specified file.

For example, sometimes node_modules is only used during development, and it has been packaged as a single file by tools such as webpack when it is finally packaged. You can configure to ignore the node_modules folder.


File path: .autojs.sync.ignore file under the project folder.

The files matched by the rules configured in this file will be ignored when the VSCode plug-in runs, synchronizes, and saves files on the computer. Only available for Pro 9.3+.


The scripts field is used to configure the shell commands that are automatically executed at times such as building. E.g:

   "scripts": {
     "build-apk-pre-prepare": "sh"

The above configuration will automatically run the script before packaging the apk, so that custom file replacement, obfuscation, etc. can be performed before packaging. In these shell commands, you can use node build.js to execute js files (pure Node.js environment); currently, it does not support executing js scripts in CloudControl environment.

The following timings are currently supported:

Triggered when building apk

CloudControl Pro builds the apk in several stages:

  • Preparation stage: copy project files, apk files, process source files, etc.
  • Construction phase: execute aapt compilation, add built-in icon packs, modify and write Manifest files, process plug-ins, etc.
  • Optimization phase: remove useless resources, modules, obfuscated components, etc.
  • Packaging phase: signing, compressing, cleaning up workspace, etc.

The sh scripts to be executed can be customized at different stages. In these scripts, information can be obtained through the following environment variables:

  • BUILD_APK_WORKSPACE: The temporary workspace for the build, that is, the temporary project for decompressing the apk
  • BUILD_APK_WORKSPACE_PROJECT: The project folder under the workspace, the project will be copied here
  • BUILD_APK_OUTPUT: target output path of apk

The current project path can be obtained by commands such as pwd.

The names corresponding to each stage are:

  • build-apk-pre-prepare: Triggered before the prepare phase

  • build-apk-post-prepare: Triggered after the exact phase

  • build-apk-pre-build: Triggered before the build phase

  • build-apk-post-build: Triggered after the build phase

  • build-apk-pre-optimize: Triggered before the optimization phase

  • build-apk-post-optimize: Triggered after the optimize phase

  • build-apk-pre-package: Triggered before the packaging phase

  • build-apk-post-package: Triggered after the packaging phase

Last update:
Contributors: Bruce